Thursday, July 7, 2011

And They're OFF!

My first 5K was a fundraiser for a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, the Sunrise Stampede. I've been active in MOPS for *gulp* 8 years or so. So this seemed like a perfect race for me. It was very small race. I was joined by my brother and 2 friends. My brother is a former marathoner who has the uncanny ability to run 6-7 miles any time he wants even if he hasn't run in years. Dork. My friend, S, is a runner, too. She has been super encouraging to me every step of the way. My friend, J, is at the start of his running journey, too.

As we approached the starting line, I was pretty nervous. I was so tired from Samuel being sick. I knew I wasn't ready. AND...I wasn't. After about 20 seconds of jogging I had to walk. It was badness. The first 1.5 miles or so were UPHILL. I was used to my treadmill or the minor hills in my neighborhood. I ended up walking most of the race. But apparently I was hauling booty during my wogs, because we finished in about 45 minutes or so. It was just under a 15 minute mile. I was glad we didn't finish last. There were 2 old ladies that finished after us (lol).I guess I'm not going to set any speed records any time soon! ;) I felt great when the race was over. I was GLAD it was over.... I felt like I had accomplished something. I was very disappointed in my performance though. If the race had been held a few weeks earlier, I would have been able to wog my little heart out, but sick kids were my demise this time.

My next race came on the 4th of July. Between my first 5K and this race, I wogged maybe 4-5 times. I spent 10 days in Disney World and then it took me about a week to recover from that. It was a really BIG race, TONS of ability levels. It was a 10K and 5K race and everyone started together. I was joined by a new-to-wogging friend for her first race. It was a fun race. Mostly flat which was great. I had been worried about the 4th of July heat, but the weather was actually great. It was overcast and kind of misty rain. We didn't finish last...not even close...which felt great. Granted I finished it felt great to beat people. My official time was just under 50 minutes with a 16:00/mile. Just call me speed! I would say the best part of the race was the food at the end. Free Chick Fil A? Are you kidding me? Worth every drop of sweat!

My next race will be in September. I am hoping to wog MUCH more than walk next time. I'm getting back to training today!!! BRING IT ON!

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